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Chi Nei Tsang is an abdominal organ massage.

The sequence is established for having an optimal result on these different aspects:
Organs detox
Colon detox
Emotional releasing
Balance the digestif system

Practically, the touch on the organs has the effect to move the energy that is blocked and release physical and emotional tensions.
The positives effects of this therapy can be on many levels.
Most important, with the releasing tensions in the abdominal area, we can approach our life differently.

Mostly of us, we have blockages in our bellies, emotional ones and physical. When we feel  that this part of our body is liberated from this tensions, then our mind can also feel more free. The direct consequence, is to be more connected with ourselves, more open to who we are with much less fear. So be on earth becomes much more a lighter and brighter experience...
And of course, digesting food and experiences becomes easier, more balanced.

The session is about 1 hour 45 min. Specifically, 1h30 on the belly area ending with hot herbal ball massage (when is possible) and some other general touch on the rest of the body.

-------> IMPORTANT : For receive this session is necessary not eat at least 2 hours before the treatment. FOR WOMEN : Not within menstruation period.


Spirit in motion

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